During a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, Hope Council was presented with possible development plans that would consolidate District Hall, the Visitor Centre and Museum and Arts Gallery in one new building. (Screenshot/District of Hope)

District of Hope seeks public feedback on municipal buildings, housing needs

Surveys close in mid-April and are open now

  • Mar. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The District of Hope has turned to the public for feedback in shaping the future of the community.

The district recently announced they are now accepting public input in creating the Strategic Facilities Master Plan.

The council last reviewed this plan during the Feb. 22 Committee of the Whole meeting. The master plan outlines district building development over the course of 25 years. Cascade Facilities Management Consultants consulting principal Henry Ahking presented the plan, which prioritized a number of district-owned buildings in poor condition to be rebuilt.

RELATED: Hope council discusses possible District Hall revamp

“The Plan is meant to address existing facility conditions along with current and future needs, while being financially sustainable,” the district announced via Facebook on Monday (March 15). “It does not provide for detailed building designs and exact costs – these will follow on later as per the adopted Plan.”

The plan, a far cry from being formally set in stone at this point, would see the 325 Wallace St. property that currently houses the District Hall repurposed. The current district hall would be removed and in its place would be a combined two-storey building that consolidates the Visitor Centre, Arts Gallery, museum and the municipal hall. Ahking estimated this development is estimated to cost about $12 million.

The space where the current Arts Gallery sits would be redeveloped for Search and Rescue and fire services. The space where the Visitor Centre now stands would be freed up for more potential parking. This development is estimated run just over $6 million.

The details of the master plan and the link to the survey are both available online at Hope.ca/facilities-master-plan. There are nine yes/no questions with space to add additional comments after each question. They survey will be open until April 16.

READ ALSO: Inside an experiment in supportive housing in Hope

In other public feedback news, the district is also looking for public input to update the local housing needs report. The district has commissioned Vancouver-based Urbanics Consultants Ltd. to develop the report.

The provincial government now requires municipalities to create a housing needs report before April 2022 and for it to be updated every five years moving forward. The 22-question survey is available at Hope.ca and paper copies are available at the District of Hope office.

Feedback for the housing needs report must be completed by no later than April 11.

Questions about the housing needs report can be directed to urban planner Claire McQuarrie-Jones at cmcquarrie@urbanics.com.

Hope Standard