Police and ambulance crews were at First Avenue and Murray Street on in 2017 after a cyclist was injured in a crash. Kevin Mills photo.

District of Mission seeks public input on transportation planning

Online survey launched where residents can pinpoint traffic-issue areas in the community

  • Dec. 1, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The District of Mission is seeking the public’s input for their Mission Mobility 2050 plan, which will attempt to address the increasing traffic pressures on the community.

The plan will be created over the next 10 months, and make recommendations on transit, driving, cycling and walking routes.

An online consultation has been launched to ask for residents’ experiences, and create a road map for what the future priorities should be.

“Our transportation system is the backbone of our community,” said acting Mayor Cal Crawford. “We’ve regularly heard in our citizen satisfaction surveys that transportation is a key priority in Mission.”

The plan is an update to the district’s current Transportation Master Plan, and hopes to align with ongoing provincial studies and transportation guides, and Mission’s neighbourhood land-use plans.

A short survey is included in the online consultation, along with an interactive map where residents can pinpoint locations they’ve experienced traffic issues. It will also ask their ideas on how best to improve it.

The feedback collected during the consultation will help in creating the first draft, which will be finalized by next summer and presented to council in September 2021.

The consultation ends on Jan. 8, 2021. People interested in participating can go to: engage.mission.ca/transportation-master- plan.

Paper copies of the survey are available at Municipal Hall. Call 604-820-3700, or info@mission.ca.

Mission City Record