Teck today announced the development of a new centralized office building in Sparwood, B.C. File photo

District of Sparwood seeks public feedback on Recreation Master Plan

The community will have multiple opportunities for engagement

  • Nov. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The District of Sparwood is seeking resident feedback on the latest draft of the Recreation Master Plan.

Over the past 12 months consultants have been taking a deep dive on the state of recreation in the District of Sparwood and engaged in community consultation to create the comprehensive plan which explores possibilities for the future of recreation in Sparwood.

“This is the community’s opportunity to tell us if we are on the mark or need to make revisions,” says Sparwood Mayor David Wilks.

“We feel confident in what we heard from the public through this process, now we are asking if we got it right, and the level of community support on the potential financial implications on some of the bigger recommendations.”

The community will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback in the form of a virtual open house, electronic and paper surveys, a display in Greenwood Mall and direct outreach with district staff.

More information can be found on the district’s Facebook page and website, and at www.sparwoodrec2030.ca.

Following the conclusion of public outreach, the Recreation Master Plan will be brought before a council meeting for consideration.

READ MORE: Sparwood Golf Club reports good year of work and play

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