District plans clean water upgrades

Well 4 on the way to relining, rehabilitation work

As part of its financial plan, the District of 100 Mile House five-year capital plan was discussed by council at its March 11 meeting.

After he confirmed all present had studied the capital plan, District administrator Roy Scott then provided a brief verbal summary and background, including planned water upgrades.

He noted the five-year financial plan is once again subject to further changes for future fiscal years.

“We continue to massage that document as needs arise.”

Government grants for water and sewer capital projects require evidence of improvements to water efficiencies and conservation, Scott explained.

He said one of the key upgrades happening this fall is to the liner at Well 4 at Bridge Creek near the Red Coach Inn.

“The Well 4 upgrades on the capital planning side of it were a necessity, as part of a study that is being undertaken for our fresh water reveals the current well was under-performing and, therefore, we had to do some remedial work to get it back up to optimum.

“So that is necessary, whether we want to do it or not, we have to. It is really a maintenance item.”


Strain offers details

District director of operations Phil Strain is on the technical advisory committee conducting the study on the efficient use of clean water in the district.

He explains some pump tests found since Well 4 was installed in 2003 it had a highest water capacity of 53 litres/second, which is now down to 35 litres/second.

“We’ve got to do some well rehabilitation and clean the casing to try to get the flows back up to close to what it was when it was first commissioned.”

The study also includes a review of the District’s current water conservation plan, Strain adds.

“We’re going to be upgrading our water conservation plan when the study is complete.”

He notes the committee includes engineers, hydrogeologists, and representatives from Interior Health, the Ministry of Health and Canim Lake Band.

The committee is also looking at sustainable clean water sources.

“We had good representation on that committee and looked at a number of scenarios to narrow it down … part of the study was to look at what is the best water source for the long term for the District of 100 Mile.”

While the study is still underway, some recommendations for water conservation strategies in the study will be revealed by Strain in a PowerPoint presentation of about 30 minutes duration at the District’s committee of the whole meeting on March 25.

The meeting’s start time will be confirmed in the agenda to be posted online at www.100milehouse.com before March 25, but will takes place prior to the 7 p.m. regular council meeting.


100 Mile House Free Press