Lake Country council is pursuing a senior government grant to enhance safety for pedestrians around local schools.

Lake Country council is pursuing a senior government grant to enhance safety for pedestrians around local schools.

District pursues safety grant

The district is planning to improve safety at four key places around Lake Country

The District of Lake Country is going after a $1.2 million grant to go towards improving safety along several routes to schools.

The district is planning to improve safety at four key places around Lake Country in what is a potential $2.5 million dollar project, depending on the grant application under the UBCM Federal Gas Tax Fund.

“These are four distinct road projects we have been working on for some time,” said Greg Bucholz, director of infrastructure services.

“This grant application is really focussed on safe routes to schools which…are vital to our community.”

Among the projects are improvements to Sherman Road, valued at $450,000, where it leads up to Peter Greer school.

Teachers at the school have voiced concern about safety issues for students either walking or riding to school on a busy route.

“What we are looking at there is providing a bike lane as you go up the hill towards the school,” said Bucholz.

“We want to keep parking on the downslope side and a separate sidewalk/bike path on the opposite side of the road.”

Bucholz says grant applications under the gas tax program are over-subscribed meaning its imperative to have a solid application going forward and he says showing the vital need for improvement to safety in and around schools gives the application a solid chance to receive funds.

But there is no guarantee the grant will be received, he added.

“This is a competitive process so the aim is to put a high value on these projects,” he said.

“We try to put ourselves in the best position (to receive the grant) and this is consistent with some of the plans that have had success before.”

Other projects included in the proposal are:

Bottom Wood Lake Road – Lodge Road to School ($720,000)

Greenhow Road – Oyama Road to north of Young Road ($150,000)

Woodsdale Road – Bottom Wood Lake Road to Seymour Road ($1,180,000)

The entire project is valued at $2.5 million with $1.2 million through the grant and $1.3 million funded through Lake Country reserves.

Also in the works is an upgrade to the Woodsdale Road Sanitary for $700,000, something outside of the grant proposal that would be funded through the District of Lake Country if the grant application is successful.



Vernon Morning Star