District sends home blankity-blank report cards

Parents having to deal with far less information about their children than they're used to

During ongoing job action, some in School District 69 (Qualicum) question why the district bothered with the expense of mailing nearly blank report cards home.

The question was asked from the audience at the first regular meeting of he new board and superintendent Jim Ansell said they got “fairly strong feedback from the community” about it.

He said schools across the province are mandated to send reports home and they were specifically instructed to do so again this term despite teachers not giving grades due to the provincewide “teach only” action.

The reports did include attendance and teachers were able to write more information if they wanted. He also pointed out there are principals and vice principals teaching who don’t fall under the job action.

Board chair Lynnette Kershaw said that “In this atmosphere of saving pennies…” the point was well taken.

She, like Ansell, said if anything the feedback they are getting is that parents are getting even better information about their children’s progress with more direct contact rather than relying on letter grades.

They both pointed out that all the information students need, such as assessments to apply for scholarships or post secondary education, are being provided.

Ansell said those processes have changed in recent years and they are entering information in provincial databases where it is available for those needs.

If parents aren’t getting the information they need they should contact their school principal first or the superintendent if they still aren’t satisfied.





Parksville Qualicum Beach News