Divided council approves two more vacation rentals

Revelstoke council approves vacation rental applications in Arrow Heights and CP Hill.

Zusanna Driediger has legalized her vacation rental on Cashato Crescent.

Zusanna Driediger has legalized her vacation rental on Cashato Crescent.

Council approved a vacation rental application for 1103 Cashato Crescent in Arrow Heights, despite outspoken opposition from some neighbours at a public hearing on Dec. 22.

“I feel that perhaps the city should look at a different way of doing vacation rentals so they don’t have the neighbours input into a situation, so we don’t have to come to a meeting like this and oppose something our neighbours have put forward,” Terry Marshall, who lives nearby, told council during the public hearing.

She raised concerns about noise and parking, and wanted to know what neighbours could do if there were problems.

Her concerns were echoed by four other neighbours, who wrote to the city opposing the application. Specific reference was made to a wild wedding party that took place last summer.

Mayor Mark McKee noted that vacation rental owners were required to have a number posted for people to call 24/7. Neighbours affected by noise or parking issues could also call the RCMP or city.

Council voted in support of the application, with Trevor English, Linda Nixon and Gary Sulz voting in favour.

“This citizen is doing the right thing. I understand the neighbours concerns. I support this application and for the city to monitor closely,” said Nixon. “It’s better than having them operating underground illegally. When they are legal, we have more teeth.”

McKee and coun. Aaron Orlando voted against it. “When the neighbourhood comes out, not only by writing letters, but by coming here in person and talking to us, that sends us a very strong message,” said McKee.

Orlando said the bylaw should be revisited so that neighbours weren’t pitted against each other during the application process.

Council also approved an application by Scott Duke to have one of his properties on Cedar Street zoned as a vacation rental. The application met no opposition.


Revelstoke Times Review