The Department of National Defence is conducting controlled burns at Rocky Point until mid-October for the purpose of wildfire deterrence and creating military training grounds. (Google Maps)

DND doing controlled burns at Rocky Point in Metchosin

Work being done to create military training space, protect Garry oaks and mitigate wildfires

  • Sep. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Department of National Defence is conducting prescribed burns at Rocky Point in Metchosin.

The burning of up to 25 hectares of land throughout the area is being done in “the most ecologically appropriate and efficient means” and in the interest of public safety and resource management, according to a DND release. The burning is expected to take between three and five days and finish up in mid-October.

The objectives include the creation of open landscape for military training, the protection and restoration of Garry Oak ecosystems and the mitigation of wildfires.

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The British Columbia Wildfire Service will conduct the burns “when weather and atmospheric conditions are most favourable,” DND stated.

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