Dr. Mike Finn (centre) along with team members Kelsey Sloan (left) and Wendy Mason will be offering free fillings and tooth extractions to those who are less fortunate on Jan. 19 at Dogwood Dental.

Dr. Mike Finn (centre) along with team members Kelsey Sloan (left) and Wendy Mason will be offering free fillings and tooth extractions to those who are less fortunate on Jan. 19 at Dogwood Dental.

Doc joins in for free dentistry day

They’ll be providing free dental care Jan. 19 for those on low incomes, don’t have an insurance plan and others who are less fortunate

There’ll be no day off for Dr. Mike Finn and his dentistry team on Sunday, Jan. 19.

That’s because they’ll be providing free dental care for those on low incomes, don’t have an insurance plan and others who are less fortunate.

“We’re committed to seeing 50 patients – it will be busy,” says treatment co-ordinator Wendy Mason. “We want to help people who otherwise couldn’t afford dental work.”

The first annual “Dentistry From The Heart” day in Campbell River is limited to patients 19 years and older, and they can choose from either a single filling or tooth extraction. It takes place at Dogwood Dental, 150 Dogwood St. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and it’s first come, first served. Patients should dress accordingly for the weather, bring a chair and refreshments, and be prepared to wait outdoors until their turn.

Dentistry For The Heart (www.dentistryfromtheheart.org) is a growing international goodwill movement and it was Dr. Finn’s staff who heard about a Victoria dentist who’s involved.

“They brought it to my attention and I thought it was great idea,” said Dr. Finn.

For more information, call 250-287-4010.

Campbell River Mirror