Dog Creek Elementary Junior Secondary School has received a grant from the provincial government to update its playground. (Photo submitted)

Dog Creek school receives playground funding from province

Principal Steve Carpenter said the school grounds are used by the community as well

Students at the school in Dog Creek will be getting a new playground, thanks to funding from the Ministry of Education announced Friday, Sept. 10.

Dog Creek Elementary Junior Secondary School principal Steve Carpenter said it is good news the school will received $165,000 for the upgrade.

“We have a small big toy there right now the PAC paid for about 10 years ago, but some older stuff that will be taken out,” Carpenter said. “With the upgrade it will bring everything up to code.”

Carpenter has been principal at the school since 2019 and said the playground gets community use outside of school hours.

“On the weekends and evenings, families come down have picnics here too. There’s a basketball court as well. We have a fairly big property here and it will be a great addition,” Carpenter said, noting he and other staff members have been going through some catalogues looking at different options.

The build for the playground will eventually go out for tender and hopefully when the children return to school next year they will be able to enjoy it.

Presently there are 18 students enrolled in the K to Grade 10 school, with two students at the school who are doing Grade 11 through distance education. They attend the school because the Wi-Fi is better, Carpenter said.

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