Dog park options under consideration

District council receives staff report on 100 Mile House dog park request

When local resident Shaleena Jones made a presentation to the District of 100 Mile House on April 24, requesting the construction of a dog park, preferably in Centennial Park behind the tennis courts, council received the request and sent it to staff for report.

District planner Joanne Doddridge presented the report at the June 26 council meeting and noted she could only find information on dog parks in larger communities.

She provided council with a list of land-use and overarching site considerations, including adjacent land uses, management, access to water, parking, maintenance, and infrastructure.

She noted parking and noise were the major concerns voiced by Centennial Park neighbours who called in after the story was published in the May 2 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press.

Mayor Mitch Campsall said he also received a number of phone calls from the aforementioned neighbours. However, he added the Kamloops dog park is well used.

Doddridge noted the area behind the South Cariboo Rec. Centre was also suggested as a potential site for the park. It was noted the Cariboo Regional District would have to be contacted regarding that option.

Councillor Dave Mingo said he wondered if there would be enough room for the dog park in the area across the purple bridge. If location was possible, he said it could solve the parking, traffic and noise issues.

Financial aspects, including construction, other capital (benches, garbage bins and signage), operational and administration costs were also considerations that have to be discussed, Doddridge said, adding public consultation would be key to finding a suitable site.

Council voted in favour of receiving the report.

Jones, who was not present at the meeting, picked up a copy of the report, and said she thought council would prefer a different location for the dog park.

Noting she wants to meet the members of the dog park group to see what they want to do next, Jones said she would like to canvas the neighbourhood.

“I think we should go out to the public and try to reverse the ideas some people have about this being a negative thing to have in our park.

“However, I have to see what whether the group wants to push harder for a different site in Centennial Park or look for another site altogether.”


100 Mile House Free Press