Dog policy considered by mayor and council

As per previous conversations around dogs in the Town of Lake Cowichan, the town's elected officials discussed the drafting of a new policy.

  • Sep. 12, 2011 12:00 p.m.

As per previous conversations around dogs in the Town of Lake Cowichan, the town’s elected officials discussed the drafting of a new policy.

Currently, the town’s chief administrative officer Joseph Fernandez clarified, “Dogs are allowed in parks, but they must remain on a leash.”

Although the town’s elected officials expressed an interest in tightening the town’s bylaw/policy to some degree, they were also unanimous in their want for residents to be able to walk dogs in town parks. Few people don’t pick up after their dogs, and it’s those few that make a bad name for everyone else.

“I want the option to walk my dog on a leash,” councillor Tim McGonigle said.

“I would be very angry if I couldn’t walk my dog in a park,” councillor Bob Day said, in agreement.

That said, during this preliminary discussion council seemed to agree that ball fields, school grounds, camp grounds, and playgrounds should not allow dogs.

Discussions on this item will continue during future committee meetings.

Lake Cowichan Gazette