Dog put down after being poisoned

Dogs being poisoned at 108 Mile Ranch

Taking your dog for a walk along the beach is a way for many people to enjoy companionship and exercise.

However, this is a warning to be extra careful because someone is poisoning dogs.

A friend of mine was walking her dog at the 108 Mile Lake beach, says Graham Leslie of 108 Mile Ranch, and the dog died from poisoning after eating something on the ground.”

He adds the dog’s owner had to put her pet down after taking it to the veterinarian a couple of times when the animal lost balance and started vomiting.

“The poisoned items looked like small, handmade hamburger patties. We did a search and found about seven altogether.”

The patties were placed in areas that people couldn’t see them very easily, Graham says, but it would be perfect for dogs to smell out. He adds they gave samples to the RCMP and to the veterinarian who are sending them away for analysis.

“Somebody is deliberately setting this stuff out. It’s lethal whatever it is.

“I’m concerned for the dog owners and parents of small children.”

Anyone who has information regarding this call is asked to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).



100 Mile House Free Press