Dog rescued from Vietnam is on the mend in Abbotsford

About $2,000 has been raised to aid in the treatment of a Siberian husky that was rescued from Vietnam and brought to Abbotsford in February.

Two-year-old Sam is flourishing, said Sandra and Rene Prevost, who adopted the pooch.

Sandra Prevost with Sam, who was rescued from Vietnam.

Sandra Prevost with Sam, who was rescued from Vietnam.

About $2,000 has been raised to aid in the treatment of a Siberian husky that was rescued from Vietnam and brought to Abbotsford in February.

Two-year-old Sam is flourishing, said Sandra and Rene Prevost, who adopted the pooch.

Sam’s story was first shared in the March 1 edition of The News, with the announcement of a fund at Clayburn Pet Hospital to aid in his estimated $4,000 in treatment costs.

Sam suffered from mange (a skin disease caused by mites), a fungal infection and multiple bacterial infections. As well, his immune system had been repressed and his body was resistant to most antibiotics.

Sandra said the last round of antibiotics that he was on – at a cost of about $500 – took effect and cured Sam of his infections.

“He has more of a personality now. He’s more himself. It brought back his energy level and appetite,” Sandra said, adding that Sam has put on a few pounds.

He is still suffering from mange but it is slowly clearing up, and Sandra said it can take a year or longer to be fully cured. The fungal infection is also still being addressed, but the pads of Sam’s paws, which were raw, are now healing.

Sam was brought to Abbotsford by Rene’s cousin, Anna Dorgan, who is an elementary school English teacher in Saigon, Vietnam. Dorgan also volunteers in helping abused and abandoned animals, and came across Sam at a pet clinic, where he had been abandoned.

He had been shipped from Alaska to his new owners in Vietnam in 2009 at the age of four months, and did not adapt well to the heat and humidity.

Dorgan and the vet at the clinic thought he would fare better in a cooler climate.

The Prevosts agreed to foster him, but could not afford the full costs of treatment. Sandra said they are grateful to the people who contributed to the fund at Clayburn Pet Hospital.

“It’s hard to put into words, but we really appreciate the donations,” she said.

The funds have helped cover the cost of medication, as well as special nutritional supplements, skin creams and sprays that Sam needs on an ongoing basis.

Sandra said the other good news is that Sam now has a permanent home with her and Rene.

“We can’t let him go,” she said.

For more information about the Needy Pets Fund or to donate to Sam’s treatment, call 604-853-4411.

Those interested in Sam’s progress can also visit the Facebook page “Sam the Rescue Dog from Vietnam.”

Abbotsford News