This seven-month old lab/rottie cross was stolen from a Chilliwack backyard on Tuesday morning. (Submitted)

This seven-month old lab/rottie cross was stolen from a Chilliwack backyard on Tuesday morning. (Submitted)

Dog reunited with B.C. man after being stolen from backyard

Pup was in a fenced-in backyard when he was taken and shoved into a truck by woman

  • Apr. 18, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Dean Doucette of Chilliwack was thrilled to get his dog back on Wednesday afternoon.

He’d been beside himself since his dog, Arlo, was stolen right out of his backyard Tuesday morning.

“It’s like he’s my second kid,” Doucette said. “I felt so helpless. He was probably so scared without me.”

Someone dropped the dog off at the Care Centre animal control on Wolfe Road saying it was a stray.

“It feels amazing to have him back,” Doucette said.

The yellow labrador/rottweiler cross is seven months old and had been kept in a fenced-in backyard.

Doucette said his mother had been napping when she heard someone knocking on the front door. He was out of town at the time at a training course.

A woman with brown hair in a ponytail was seen minutes later out front shoving the dog into the back seat of a white Dodge Ram 1500 with chrome wheels. She had wrapped the pup in a blanket she grabbed from Doucette’s front porch.

Doucette has had the dog since he was six weeks old, and had recently moved back to Chilliwack. The unfixed male pup has white shoulders and a white line on his head.

“He’s never away from my side,” Doucette said. “I only left him because I was on a course.”

The distraught dog owner contacted both RCMP and SPCA to make reports in case the dog was dumped.

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