Donation has hospital staff seeing things

Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary donates $62,000 x-ray reader to the hospital

Ladysmith Health Care Centre x-ray tech Lisa Burness explains the new digital x-ray machine to Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary President Irene Telford.

Ladysmith Health Care Centre x-ray tech Lisa Burness explains the new digital x-ray machine to Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary President Irene Telford.

It pretty easy to understand the latest gift the Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary has given our hospital.

It’s the sort of present that people can see right through.

Our bad puns may not put a smile on your face, but the new digital reader the auxiliary donated to the hospital’s x-ray department should. It certainly has Lisa Burness grinning.

Burness, a tech at LDGH, has been enjoying the new Fuji Film Console Advance unit, and the fact that it is bringing patients and medical staff, clearer, sharper images more quickly than ever before.

The $65,162 unit, plus new imaging plates, were bought and donated to the hospital by the auxiliary with money raised through the hospital auxiliary thrift store.

“It just blows my mind, it really does,” Burness said. “We’re so grateful to them, because the old reader was on its last legs. We want to say a very big thank you to them.”

The Ladysmith x-ray unit is open to the public Monday to Friday, serving patients from as far away as Duncan and Nanaimo. No appointment necessary.

Ladysmith Chronicle