Donations of cash and household items are being taken for a resident of Coldstream’s Lakeway Mobile Home Park on Kalamalka Road after she lost everything inside due to a fire Wednesday, May 26. (Roger Knox - Morning Star)

Donations sought for Coldstream woman who lost everything in fire

Cash, household items being accepted by Lakeway Mobile Home Park for woman, small dog

Donations are being taken for a Coldstream woman who lost all of her possessions in a mobile home fire Wednesday, May 26.

Coldstream Fire Department was called to the Lakeway Mobile Home Park on Kalamalka Road at about 4:30 p.m. for a report of a structure fire.

The lone occupant and her small dog made it out of the home which suffered significant damage, the result of a suspected grease fire in the kitchen.

“We’re taking donations of cash and items such as linens, towels and household stuff because there’s nothing left in the house,” said park superintendent Dennis Webb.

Items for the dog will also be accepted.

The woman – a “20-to-25 year resident of the park,” said Webb – is being moved to an apartment on-site but, as Webb pointed out, she’ll now face the prospect of apartment rent and pad rental for the trailer.

Donations so far have included cash, a love seat, recliner, toaster, kettle, comforters and kitchen utensils.

Anybody wishing to help out can call Webb at 250-260-0786.

READ MORE: Coldstream mobile home destroyed by fire

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