Don’t like this week’s weather? Wait until next week

Summer 2014: Cool Season for Central, Eastern Canada; Dry in West

  • May. 10, 2014 1:00 p.m.


AccuWeather is predicting cool and wet conditions to prevail in central and eastern Canada this summer, similar to the cool weather pattern that is dominating that part of the country so far this  spring.

Residents in the Similkameen, however can rest easy, as the American weather service predicts a warmer, drier summer compared to normal  for our region.

High pressure is expected to reign, in the Similkameen as well as other regions of B.C., however, with above-normal temperatures and less rainfall predicted for much of British Columbia this summer.

There is a downside, however, as the ombination of increased heat and little rainfall, coupled with the ongoing pine bark beetle infestation, could raise the risk for a severe wildfire season.

On more of a near-term basis, predictions call for a record setting heatwave to take place  in the American west beginning early next week, while temperatures in the Similkameen should reach the mid 20s.








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