Don’t open for door-to-door

Vanderhoof has been complaining to RCMP about a number of insistent salesmen who, while not illegal, may be too aggressive in their tactics.

  • Aug. 26, 2013 8:00 p.m.

Vanderhoof RCMP has received about a dozen complaints of door-to-door salesmen and their aggressive sales tactics.

The salesmen are not doing anything illegal but a number of citizens have complained about the salesmen asking too many pointed questions. These salesmen have asked if the potential customer has any children, which is an awkward question for a stranger to ask, and then they may follow up that question with ‘what are their names?’ or ‘how old are they?’ and other questions of a personal nature.

Sergeant Jason Keays knows exactly what people are calling in about, having experienced the same thing, twice! Sgt. Keays has had two salesmen try to convince him to switch cable providers, the last one he said that he practically had to shut the door in his face because of how the salesmen wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Nothing illegal is taking place, so long as the salesmen have a business licence issued from the city of Vanderhoof.

In order to obtain such a licence, all one has to do is show up at city hall and apply. You don’t have to be a resident of Vanderhoof and you are not obligated to anything more than any other business.

What Sgt. Jason Keays would like to remind everyone is that if they aren’t comfortable then don’t open the door or slam it in the salesman’s face if they have to.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express