Dreaming of a white Christmas? Don’t get your hopes up.

There likely won’t be snowflakes falling on Christmas Day in Greater Victoria.

  • Dec. 24, 2013 3:00 p.m.

There likely won’t be snowflakes falling on Christmas Day in Greater Victoria.

For those who yearn for a white Christmas, the best we can hope for is to have some of last weekend’s forecast dusting stay on the ground a few extra days.

“It’s looks like it’s going to be a fairly mild and dry one this year,” said Environment Canada meteorologist Andre Besson.

A ridge of high pressure off the west coast of Vancouver Island is holding back the next precipitation-carrying system, he added, leaving the chances for white stuff on Dec. 25 slim to none.


For folks who like to head up to Mount Washington for a ski holiday, no snow is expected mid-week there, either. Known for a huge base of snow through the season, the mountain had yet to open for 2013-14 as of late last week due to a lack of snow.



Victoria News