

Drinking water safe in Peachland

A source of drinking water is safe after damage occurred due to overflowing waters at the site

  • May. 26, 2017 7:00 a.m.

A key source of drinking water is safe after damage occurred to the Brenda Mine site due to overflowing waters.

The District of Peachland and Regional District of Central Okanagan says the integrity of a key source of drinking water for its residents is protected and remains safe.

“When it comes to public health and the safety of our residents, it’s paramount that our sources of drinking water are protected,” said Peachland Mayor Cindy Fortin.

As a result of increased snowmelt and extremely high runoff, MacDonald Creek on the mine property overflowed causing damage to internal roads and a pipeline which transports untreated runoff water from a retention pond to the mine’s water treatment plant on Wednesday.

Quick action from Glencore, the mine’s owner, as well Interior Health and the Ministries of Environment and Energy and Mineshas resulted in temporary measures put in place to prevent any discharge of untreated water from the site, while permanent repairs are made.

MacDonald Creek flows into Trepanier Creek, which is a source of drinking water for approximately 1,500 Peachland residents, eight properties served by the RDCO’s Star Place water system along with a number of other private water licensees.

Kelowna Capital News