Officers investigate at the scene of the head-on collision that killed White Rock father Bryan McCron (inset below) in July 2010.

Officers investigate at the scene of the head-on collision that killed White Rock father Bryan McCron (inset below) in July 2010.

Driver who attacked White Rock victim’s son paroled

‘Positive progress’ cited after father was killed by uninsured, unlicensed speeder

A driver who struck and killed a White Rock father as he delivered newspapers with his teenaged son four years ago has been granted full parole with nearly a year left in his sentence.

According to the Parole Board of Canada, the decision to release Allan Simpson Wood was made June 26 and sent to media last week.

Bryan McCronWood’s two-year sentence for causing the death of Bryan McCron ends June 2, 2015.

Last summer, Wood, 41, pleaded guilty to assault and dangerous driving causing death in connection with the July 19, 2010 incident that killed McCron and injured his teenaged son, Connor. (Charges of impaired driving causing death and failure to provide a breath sample were stayed.)

The court heard that Wood’s Chevy Silverado struck McCron’s Toyota Tercel as the McCrons were delivering newspapers in the 15300-block of Colebrook Road. The Silverado was not insured; Wood did not have a valid driver’s licence; and, at the time of impact, Wood’s vehicle was travelling more than double the speed limit.

He was granted day parole in January, a decision in which the parole board cited Wood’s limited criminal record, assessed low risk to reoffend, acceptance of responsibility and “reasonable level of insight.”

After that decision, McCron’s sister, Vicki Macri, told Peace Arch News the day parole was “a slap in the face of the victims again.”

“Six months is about all the justice system feels a life is worth,” she said.

In making the latest decision, the board considered Wood’s respectful interactions with staff and residents at his community residential facility, that he secured a full-time job, surrounds himself with positive associates and continues to take responsibility for his actions.

“The board acknowledges that your index offence took a life and your actions with the surviving victim were abhorrent,” the decision states, referring to the fact Wood pushed, punched and swore at Connor McCron following the collision.

“The board finds that you have made positive progress in observable and measurable ways… You are not considered to have entrenched criminal behaviour… You reportedly have insight into your risk factors and into the plight you have caused by your dangerous actions on the road.”

The release was granted with “reasonable and necessary” special conditions. Wood is not to consume, possess or purchase alcohol; not to enter any establishment where the primary source of income is from the sale or consumption of alcohol; to follow a substance-abuse treatment plan; not to consume, purchase or possess drugs other than prescribed medications; and not to associate with anyone he knows or has reason to believe is involved in criminal activity or substance abuse.


Peace Arch News