Drivers not putting cell phones down say police

Kelowna cops hand out 25 tickets in 90 minute during road-side blitz.

  • Aug. 18, 2017 7:00 a.m.


Kelowna RCMP say distracted drivers are just not getting the message.

On Thursday afternoon, Kelowna RCMP municipal traffic section officers and officers with the forces’s Central Okanagan traffic services unit stopped more than 25 drivers using an electronic devices while driving and/or not wearing their seat belts.

The traffic stops, conducted along Springfield Road, targeted distracted drivers behind the wheel. In approximately 90 minutes, the officers issued a total of 25 violations, most of which were for the use of an electronic devices while driving.

Other fines issued were for failing to wear seat belts, but police say if speeding had been their focus, they would have also been extremely busy giving out tickets for that too.

“The fine for using an electronic device while driving remains at $368,” said Cpl. Tania Carroll. “By taking your attention off of the roadway for even just a moment you greatly increase the chance of being involved in a collision.”

In a news release Friday, the RCMP there were also numerous vehicles that were not able to be stopped for either seat belt or cell phone violations as all the officers were already tied up dealing with other motorist they stopped.

One of the distracted drivers stopped during this blitz had five previous convictions for the same offence of using an electronic device while driving.

Kelowna Capital News