Drivers urged to be extra vigilant as school begins

With classes back in session this week, police across the region will be out in full force in school zones making sure children arrive at school safely.

  • Sep. 6, 2011 7:00 a.m.

With classes back in session this week, police across the region will be out in full force in school zones making sure children arrive at school safely.

“Back to school means that there will be many more children walking and biking on our roads,” said Cpl. Janis Jean, media liaison for Central Saanich Police. “Children do not comprehend the true dangers of the roadway and it is up to us, as adults, to drive with extra care and caution.”

Here are some important safety reminders for all of us to remember, especially as we enter the back to school term: Children do not always notice oncoming traffic. Drive aware and never assume that a child can see your car approaching.

Give yourself extra time in the morning to get to your destination.

Make eye contact with children waiting to cross the road.

Be patient and wait for children to complete their crossing before proceeding.

Stop when directed to do so by a crossing guard.

Peninsula News Review