Drug bust in Burns Lake

Drug bust in Burns Lake

Police officers on May 9 arrested a man in Burns Lake carrying a large amount of illegal drugs.

  • May. 9, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Police officers on May 9 arrested a man in Burns Lake carrying a large amount of illegal drugs.

An adult male, known to be on conditions from a previous matter, was seen at 1 p.m. in the area of Highway 16 and 5th Ave in Burns Lake, according to the RCMP.

The man, whose identity has not been released was observed breaching those conditions.

When officers from the Burns Lake and Houston detachments attempted to arrest him, he ran away prompting the police to engage in a foot pursuit.

Mounties caught up with the man a few blocks away and he was arrested without incident. It was during the arrest that police discovered the man had a significant amount of drugs – suspected to be cocaine – as well as large sum of cash in his possession.

The man will be charged with breach of conditions and will likely also face charges of drug possession. The investigation is ongoing.

Blair McBride
Multimedia reporter
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