Drug dealer surprised by large group of plainclothes officers

Victoria officers cross-training in surveillance happened to be walking by

Crime doesn’t pay, as one suspected drug dealer learned the hard way in downtown Victoria on Thursday afternoon.

Eleven Victoria plainclothes police officers, who had just finished foot surveillance training and were walking together along Quadra Street at Pandora Avenue at 4 p.m., spied a man and woman standing across the street acting suspiciously.

“The male suspect was intensely focusing and manipulating small objects in his hand and then passed them to the female,” Deputy Police Chief John Ducker wrote on the department’s operations blog.

Four officers darted across the road and arrested the woman, while two more officers went after the man and took him into custody.

In the struggle that followed, a pill bottle with what police say were crack cocaine rocks fell out of the suspect’s pocket.

“The man still had the money from the drug deal crumpled up in one of his hands,” Ducker said.

The female suspect was released on a promise to appear in court in another month for possession of a controlled substance. The male was kept in custody.



Victoria News