Drunk biker busted

A 21-year-old man from Vanderhoof was issued a 90 day driving prohibition, had the dirt bike he was riding impounded for 30 days, and is ordered to pay a $500 after being caught with riding the vehicle on Beaver Road in Moricetown, Smithers.

  • Jul. 30, 2011 12:00 p.m.


A 21-year-old man from Vanderhoof was issued a 90 day driving prohibition, had the dirt bike he was riding impounded for 30 days, and is ordered to pay a $500 after being caught with riding the vehicle on Beaver Road in Moricetown, Smithers. The driver was determined to have been drinking and was found with a half-full bottle of vodka, in plain view. The dirt bike that was impounded actually belonged to someone else. The liquor was seized and he was issued a ticket for having no driver’s licence.



Vanderhoof Omineca Express