The sixth annual Rotary Duck Race remembered its founder on Sunday, one year to the day of his passing.
Bob Shantz, a Maple Ridge lawyer and volunteer who organized the Duck Race, passed away Aug. 7, 2015 after complications following surgery for an aneurism.
His widow, Irena Shantz, and organizers of this year’s event signed 100 yellow balloons with messages to him and released them into the sky.
“We all signed the balloons and sent a nice little message up to Bob,” said Bonnie Telep, a Rotarian and co-chair of this year’s Duck Race.
“It was his creation.”
The race this year featured 5,800 yellow rubber ducks released down the Alouette River, raising $58,000 for youth groups in the community.
Telep hopes to include more community groups next year, such as schools parent committees.
“We want to raise $100,000, not $58,000,” she said. “It’s all for kids.”
This year’s first-prize winner of a 2015 Dodge Dart SE from Maple Ridge Chrysler was Julie McNicol of Maple Ridge.
Jeff Kosuk won the second-place prize: $1,000 cash, as well as a $1,000 shopping spree from Mark’s.
Sue Levens on third place: a furniture package from BrandSource Fuller Watson valued at $1,000.
Geof Allen won fourth place: 10 rounds of golf and five carts, from Meadow Gardens Golf Club.
And Derell Campbell won fifth place: a 40-inch flat screen television from Haney Sewing and Sound.