Muriel Steacy shows off a certificate commemorating her 10 years of living at Duncan’s Sunridge Park Place care home at a recent celebration at the facility. (Robert Barron/Citizen).

Muriel Steacy shows off a certificate commemorating her 10 years of living at Duncan’s Sunridge Park Place care home at a recent celebration at the facility. (Robert Barron/Citizen).

Duncan’s Sunridge care home celebrates 10th anniversary

Long-time residents and staff celebrated

Muriel Steacy, also known as “Doll”, was delighted when she was recently handed a certificate commemorating her 10 years of living at Duncan’s Sunridge Park Place care home.

Steacy was among the original six residents and 14 staff members at the care home that were recognized for being at the facility since it opened during its 10-year anniversary celebrations, held late last month.

On June 25, to start the anniversary celebrations, the Encores musical group entertained residents and staff in the home’s Fireside Lounge, and cake and refreshments were served to the full house that were in attendance.

On June 29, the care home arranged for the Jam Factory to entertain residents and staff, and ice cream and refreshments were served.

A press release said Sunridge Park Place care home would like to thank the Duncan community, residents, families, staff and friends for their continued support, and the facility looks forward to serving the Duncan community into the future.

“Please join us in offering special thanks to those staff and residents who have been with us throughout our journey as we continue to grow and work towards best practice in geriatric care,” the statement said.

Cowichan Valley Citizen