While Canadian Liberator bulbs are currently sold out, donations are still accepted (Contributed photo/Dutch Liberation Canadian Society)

While Canadian Liberator bulbs are currently sold out, donations are still accepted (Contributed photo/Dutch Liberation Canadian Society)

Dutch Liberation Day tulips should bloom soon

Tulips planted last fall to honour 75th anniversary

  • Apr. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

While local tulip festivals are canceled due to the pandemic, locals may soon notice blooms popping up across the country.

Last fall, members of the Dutch Liberation 2020 Canadian Society planted more than 740,000 Canadian Liberator tulip bulbs across Canada in memory of the fallen Canadian men and women and as thanks from the Netherlands to Canada for their contributions to end World War II. Locally, the Liberator tulips are set to bloom near the Highway of Heroes sign in the Fraser Valley along Highway 1.

Pop-up “Thank You Canada” posters may also appear where Liberator tulips grow.

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Other locations where Liberator tulips were planted also include the Seaforth Armoury and Victory Square in Vancouver.

The Dutch Liberation 2020 Canadian Society worked closely with the Royal Canadian Legion B.C./Yukon Command, the Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vancouver and other B.C. authorities and volunteers to disburse the tulips. Teachers who planted the tulips with their classes continue to share the history behind Liberation Day and the partnership between Canada and the Netherlands that continues to this day.

In B.C.., prior to being canceled due to the pandemic, the Dutch Liberation 2020 Canadian Society and the Royal Canadian Legion planned to mark the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and Victory in Europe with candlelight tributes as well as a commemorative service.

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“Now, the Society looks to future generations to continue to pass on the heartfelt thankfulness of the Netherlands to Canada,” reads a recent statement from the Liberation Society.

For more information on Liberation Day and the connection to Canada, visit www.dutchcanada2020.com. While the Liberator tulip bulbs are currently sold out, the Society continues to accept donations.

Liberation Day is Tuesday, May 5.

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