Eagle Spirit Energy does not have support of Lax Kw’alaams: Mayor Garry Reece

Lax Kw'alaams Mayor Garry Reece wants to make it clear that the Band has not taken a position on the Eagle Spirit Energy project.

Lax Kw’alaams Mayor Garry Reece wants to make it clear that neither the Band Council or the Band itself has taken a position on the Eagle Spirit Energy project — but he says such a proposal is unlikely to find support in the community.

In a letter to the Northern View that follows several members speaking in support of a proposed pipeline to ship refined crude to Grassy Point for export, Reece said it is important people know that support comes from a small contingent of band members and not the community as a whole.

“It is highly unlikely that our members will support an oil pipeline, regardless of who owns it … We have unanimously rejected the shipping risks by Enbridge and any other oil pipeline that uses tankers will create exactly the same risk,” he said, noting the band will only approach members once more is known about the project.

“Our members have just overwhelmingly rejected the [Pacific NorthWest] LNG project because of legitimate environmental concerns over Flora Bank and the Skeena fishery, despite an offer of over $1 billion in benefits. Our members will never support a pipeline that puts the entire coast at risk.”

As for statements coming from Eagle Spirit Energy claiming support of Lax Kw’alaams members, Reece said such statements are “misleading” and are “simply not the case” as “there was no vote and some simply agreed to seek more information”.

“Lax Kw’alaams members do not support the proposed construction of a pipeline or proposed refinery by Eagle Spirit Energy in our territory for the fundamental reason that the community has not been involved in a meaningful and comprehensive dialogue regarding this project,” he said.

“The community has the right to make an informed decision regarding a project of this nature.”

The Northern View