Early bird bus fee available for Chilliwack families

School district hoping to organize bus system earlier for smoother start to September

Families will get a discount on bus fees in Chilliwack, if they register and pay by the end of July.

Families will get a discount on bus fees in Chilliwack, if they register and pay by the end of July.

Time is running out to get a bit of a discount on school bus fees in Chilliwack.

This year, the district has decided to give an early bird rate to parents who register and pay prior to July 31. The discount is 10 per cent.

Other than that, the full fees remain the same from last year. Regular riders pay $215 per student per year, and families pay no more than $430 if they have multiple regular riders.

Families with courtesy riders pay $350 a student per year, with a limit of $700 for multiple courtesy riders.

With the discount applied, regular rider fees are $193.50 ($387 for multiple riders) and courtesy rider fees are $315 ($630 for multiple riders).

Half rates are not considered for students who only need one-way transportation.

Parents and guardians are asked to visit the School District 33 website and click on the bus registration link for more information about how to register and pay for bus fees.

The early bird rate was included this year to encourage families to register early to allow better planning in the transportation department at the outset of the school year.

Low income waivers are also available.

Fees are payable online or at the school district’s office on Cessna Drive.





Chilliwack Progress