Area residents of all ages came out the Earth Day rally in front of Nelson's City Hall.

Area residents of all ages came out the Earth Day rally in front of Nelson's City Hall.

Earth Day rally draws crowd in Nelson

Under a picture perfect spring sky, more than 250 area residents gathered in front of Nelson's City Hall on Sunday afternoon

Under a picture perfect spring sky, more than 250 area residents gathered in front of Nelson’s City Hall on Sunday afternoon for an Earth Day rally.

Organized by the West Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild and the Kootenays for a Pipeline-Free BC, the afternoon event featured song, speeches and strong messages to senior governments.

Last month the provincial government gave a green light to the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort north east of Kaslo. The mega resort has been a contentious issue since first sprung upon the region under the NDP government almost 20 years ago.

Environmental leaders told the assembled crowd of all ages to keep the fight against the ski resort and the opposition to the Enbridge pipeline in Northern BC alive.

Nelson Star