Crews work at tearing up the old Cowichan Lake Sports Arena parking lot, last week, in preparation for the installation of a new eco-friendly parking lot.

Crews work at tearing up the old Cowichan Lake Sports Arena parking lot, last week, in preparation for the installation of a new eco-friendly parking lot.

Eco parking lot set to be completed by November

Construction is underway at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena parking lot.
"Things are going well, and it looks as though we're on schedule," CVRD manager of capital projects Norm Olive said, of the 10-week project. "If the weather doesn't close in on us, we'll be done by early November."

  • Sep. 5, 2011 7:00 p.m.

Construction is underway at the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena parking lot.

“Things are going well, and it looks as though we’re on schedule,” CVRD manager of capital projects Norm Olive said, of the 10-week project. “If the weather doesn’t close in on us, we’ll be done by early November.”

This schedule puts the Saturday, September 17, Great Lake Walk right in the middle of construction; something that shouldn’t be a problem.

“We’re working with the facilities to work around the Great Lake Walk,” Olive said.

Earlier this month, $367,000 of gas tax funding was announced for the project through the Union of BC Municipalities.

This funding will help the total project cost of approximately $600,000. Remaining costs will come from reserve dollars.

“There will be no tax increase,” CVRD Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls area director Ian Morrison assured last month, shortly after the funding was announced.

Although it’s only just recently broken ground, Olive said that things are on target with regard to the budget.

“That’ll be my priority,” he said.

The parking lot is considered eco-friendly, and includes things like state of the art oil catchments and a rain garden component.

Lake Cowichan Gazette