Economic development web site launched for Castlegar

New website targeted at those considering a move or starting a business in the Castlegar area.

The Castlegar and District Economic Development office has launched a new website at, targeted at anyone considering starting a business in the Castlegar area, or thinking about moving here.

The site has a number of helpful tools such as an inventory of commercial spaces available for sale, rent or lease in the area, a wealth of facts and statistics about the region, a list of business development helps including workshops, and an analysis of gaps in economic developments.

“The bottom line is you have got to have a web presence in today’s world,” says Castlegar economic development officer Mark Laver.

“Ultimately, it’s another lead-generation tool. People interested in moving to Castlegar can find some up-to-date information, some critical information that could sway them to open up a business here, or move here as an individual.”

The website also lays out what the economic development office can do for businesses including helping with investment attraction, talent acquisition, workforce development, export development, investment opportunities, understanding tax implications and one-on-one support.

Upcoming economic development events this fall include:

• Business Plan 101 — This interactive workshop will help you clarify your business concept and explain the basics of a business plan. It will be held Sept. 20.

• Me Inc — This session will provide you with all of the critical considerations before making the leap into entrepreneurship.

• Export Navigator — This program offers access to community-based export specialists who can provide a personalized, step-by-step approach to exporting.

• Storefront of Opportunities — An organized tour of available stores and open lots in Castlegar and District.

• Business After Business — Join the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce for monthly business networking events.

Castlegar News