The District of 100 Mile House office. (File photo)

Economic survey gets huge response

More than 414 people respond in South Cariboo.

  • Mar. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

More than 414 people have responded to a 100 Mile House Economic Development Survey, which aims to provide long-term goals and diversification opportunities across the region.

While 20 per cent of the responses came from 100 Mile House, the rest came from communities such as Lac La Hache, 103 and105 Mile House, 108 Mile Ranch, Horse Lake, Canim Lake, Interlakes, Lone Butte, Forest Grove, and down to 70 Mile House.

“We were thrilled with the number of responses,” said Joanne Doddridge, director of Economic Development and Planning. “There were enough responses that we started to see major themes within the comments and this helps us determine what the priorities of the community are.”

The survey found most respondents choose to live in the South Cariboo because they love the quality of life, grew up in the region or it’s an affordable place to live. Of the respondents, 43 per cent have lived in the community for more than 15 years and 21 per cent have been here for less than three years.

The survey also found 21.5 per cent of respondents own a business in 100 Mile House, with 52.5% servicing a local client base; 41 per cent of the businesses are home-based; and 34 per cent of respondents have thought about starting a business but lack start up funds.

The economic development plan is expected to be completed by May.

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