The Ecosocialist party is pulling all of its candidates from the provincial election Ashwini Manohar Executive Director for the party, said. Edward Quinlan was nominated as the Stikine riding candidate on Sept. 25. (Ecosocialist Party photo)

The Ecosocialist party is pulling all of its candidates from the provincial election Ashwini Manohar Executive Director for the party, said. Edward Quinlan was nominated as the Stikine riding candidate on Sept. 25. (Ecosocialist Party photo)

Ecosocialist Party pulls all candidates from the provincial election

Green Party yet to announce a candidate for North Coast riding

  • Oct. 1, 2020 12:00 a.m.

All candidates from the new BC Ecosocialists have been pulled from running for the party in the upcoming provincial election, Executive Director Ashwini Manohar told The Northern View on Oct. 1.

A candidate for the North Coast riding was never announced and the neighbouring riding of Stikine will lose Edward Quinlan, the party’s regional director for the Skeena and Bulkley Valley regions, as an electoral candidate for the party.

“We have pulled all of our candidates. They will be running as either independents or candidates for other parties,” Manohar said.

While Manohar wouldn’t elaborate on reasons why the party was rescinding all candidates, she did say a public statement was in the process of being written and may possibly be released on Oct. 2.

The BC Green Party spokesperson Maeve Maguire said on Sept. 30, that the Greens have yet to announce a candidate for the North Coast Region, however, the party is working day and night on the campaign. She told The Northern View that an announcement may be made in a couple of days.

Candidates wishing to run in the provincial election on Oct. 24, have until Oct. 2 to file their nomination paperwork.

More to come.

K-J Millar | Journalist

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