The centre will be open three days a week. File photo

The centre will be open three days a week. File photo

Edgewood reading centre reopens to public

The centre had been closed since mid-March due to COVID-19 crisis

  • Oct. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Inonoaklin Valley Reading Centre at the Edgewood Elementary School reopened to the public on Monday.

While the centre was physically closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 crisis, School District 10 officials recently gave the go-ahead to finally reopen it.

Centre treasurer Penelope Penner said volunteers will be working to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 for visitors.

“We will be having hand sanitizer that people can use when they enter the facility,” said Penner.

“We’ll also be monitoring the number of people that come into the centre, however, there’s normally not too many of them that visit us at one time. There’s definitely enough room in there for a few people to socially distance.”

Volunteer staff will also be getting visitor’s personal information when they arrive and they’ll be conducting contact tracing in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. Only adults will be permitted into the centre.

Penner said she’s confident in reopening the centre at this time given the circumstances.

“At the present, there’s not a big risk of COVID-19 in this area and we’re just really happy to be reopening,” said Penner.

“However, we are aware that there’s a potential for things to change pretty quickly.”

The centre will be open weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15. p.m.

READ MORE: Future operations of Edgewood reading centre uncertain

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