Nanaimo Foundation is taking the lead in stretching Random Acts of Kindness Day, Feb. 17, into a whole week, Feb. 14-20. (Stock photo)

Editorial: Random acts of kindness appreciated these days

Nanaimo Foundation leading the effort for Random Acts of Kindness Week, Feb. 14-20

  • Feb. 13, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Small kindnesses are happening in our community every day.

We know this because we see it, but also because our readers tell us about it. Every print issue, half our Beefs & Bouquets section is made up of bouquets that show a small sample size of the good and kind things people are doing for their family, friends, neighbours and strangers. Usually there are examples of random acts of kindness, often someone privately picking up the tab at a restaurant or drive-thru.

Of course there are reasons to beef, too. But the bouquets balance things out, and maybe next week Nanaimo can tip the scales with kindness because it’s Random Acts of Kindness Week.

Nanaimo Foundation is taking the lead in stretching Random Acts of Kindness Day, Feb. 17, into a whole week, Feb. 14-20. Residents of Nanaimo, Lantzville and Gabriola Island are asked to be kind, post about it on social media to spread the positivity, and hopefully support small business along the way.

“This year, more than ever, it is important to foster kindness across our communities,” said Laurie Bienert, Nanaimo Foundation executive director, in a press release. “Acts of kindness can be simple gestures that bring positivity to others. During Random Acts of Kindness Week, we encourage all mid Islanders to pay it forward and be kind to yourselves.”

Ideas can be found on Nanaimo Foundation’s website at and the foundation’s social media pages. Those who take part will be entered to win gift certificates from mid Island businesses. To be eligible to win a gift card, simply share on social media what you’re doing to spread kindness with the hashtag #midVIkindness and tag the Nanaimo Foundation.

Random acts are one way to be kind. Nanaimo, and the world for that matter, needs kindness in all its forms, and we should never stop looking for ways to keep it flourishing.

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