Education Partnership Committee Highlights

Highlights from the Education Partnership Committee meeting on Nov. 10

Lucerne Connectivity fibre optic option

Patrick Martin, IT manager for School District 10 presented fibre op as a third option for Internet connection at Lucerne Elementary Secondary School.

Both fibre op options cost about the same, roughly $50,000, and are equal in performance. It would also be much faster to implement than wired or wireless options.

A wired version of fibre op would see an average of 12 drops per class. Wireless provides two drops, primarily for the teacher, and a wireless access point installed in the room.

Fibre op would also fix any issues with the electrical code because it is non-conductive and fire retardant. A decision for Internet connection at Lucerne will be made at the next school board meeting on Nov. 24.

International Education Report update

Heather Deno, the director of learning, and Ryoko Kobayashi, vice principal of Nakusp Secondary school have an update on International Education.

There is work being done on the international website. Updated photos are being added to the website, as well as pages about SD 10, along with pictures of every school in the district in order to showcase everything SD 10 has to offer. They want to create a one-stop spot for international students and families.

There are currently five international students at NSS. They come from China, Japan, and Spain. All are doing very well, and are settling in nicely.

Every two months, International Education will provide an update on where they’re at and what they’re doing.

Student Report

The president and vice president of the student leadership council presented their report to the EPC.

Senior boys soccer finished last week. They came in sixteenth out of sixteen teams, but came first in their zone. Senior girls volleyball have playoffs in Elkford on Nov 20. Ski season is starting, and they are doing their bottle drive on Nov. 21.

Grades 11 and 12 are going to Kelowna for a career fair on Dec. 7. The Nakusp Rotary Club and track club are finalizing things to donate to. One item decided on was a clean water project.

Basketball season will be starting the last week of November.

Students are currently fundraising for new jerseys. Soccer jerseys are almost ready to order, with basketball and volleyball jerseys to follow.

Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer’s Update

Terry Taylor, the Superintendent/Secretary-Treasurer of SD 10 gave an update on where the school board is at on several topics.

In regard to the Fauquier school property, the director of finance has contacted BC Hydro to see if septic hookups are possible. A community meeting has been set up for the Fauquier community for Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m.

There are new provincial scholarship programs. One is a new BC Excellence Scholarship. One nomination is available per secondary school.

There are 3,000 BC Achievement Scholarships in the amount of $1,250. These are available for students with a B average or better in English 12 and achievement in their other Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses for graduation. Criteria for scholarships has changed as well. Instead of just focusing on academics, there is a desire for more well-rounded students.

Notice of Abandonment

Several policies are being abandoned by the school board. Some are being abandoned because they have been replaced by something in the School Act. Others because they’re aren’t policies, but more of a procedure. Information on the policies are available on the school board’s website. The hope is when the user manual for these policies are done, it will be user friendly, readable, and current.


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