A registered nurse administers a vaccination to a young boy. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Paul Vernon

A registered nurse administers a vaccination to a young boy. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Paul Vernon

8 more British Columbians die from COVID-19

Hospitalizations continue to decline

B.C. is reporting 329 people in hospital with COVID-19, 51 of whom are in ICU. These numbers represent a decline of 16 people from hospital, but one additional person in ICU since yesterday (March 15).

Not all people in hospital with COVID are there because of the virus.

The province is also reporting eight new COVID deaths in the past 24 hours with four in Vancouver Coastal Health, two in Fraser Health, one in Northern Health and one in Island Health. Since the pandemic began, 2,953 British Columbians have died of COVID-19.

Today’s new case data comes with a caveat. The province is reporting 235 new cases, however the total number of cases have only increased by 174 since Tuesday.

“This has resulted in no new cases reported in Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health and a decrease in the overall total number of cases in these health authorities compared to yesterday. This is due to data reconciliation from the preliminary numbers reported yesterday,” the Ministry of Health said in a news release.

Case counts are no longer an accurate reflection of the prevalence of COVID-19 in B.C. as testing capacity remains limited. People aged 40 and over can access free rapid antigen tests through their local pharmacies, however positive tests must be self-reported to the BCCDC to be reflected in official data.

READ MORE: B.C. expands access to free rapid tests for people aged 40+

READ MORE: Hospitalizations down as B.C. reports no new COVID-19 deaths


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