McKinney Place in Oliver. (Google Map)

Eight residents at McKinney Place in Oliver have COVID-19

Interior Health declared the outbreak Sunday night

  • Dec. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Eight residents at McKinney Place long term care home in Oliver have tested positive for COVID-19. Interior Health (IH) declared the outbreak at McKinney Place on Sunday night.

IH will continue to monitor the situation, while implementing additional infection control and preventive measures. Extensive testing of staff and residents is also underway, said IH.

To protect the safety of everyone at the home, outbreak protocols are in place, including a pause in all visits to the long-term care unit.

McKinney Place is operated by Interior Health and is connected to South Okanagan General Hospital. The long-term care section has 61 residents in the 75 publicly funded long-term care beds.

The hospital is not included in the outbreak.

This comes on the heels of a second outbreak at Penticton’s Village by the Station. According to the health authority, one resident and one staff member have tested positive for the virus. IH stated in a Dec. 5 email that all individuals in close contact with these two people are in self-isolation and monitoring for symptoms.

READ MORE: Second outbreak at Village By the Station

Interior Health continues to take steps to protect the health of all staff, individuals in care and families at long-term care homes. This includes:

· Ensuring long-term care staff members are only working at one care home (as per the provincial single site order).

· Monitoring of all residents for respiratory symptoms and doing COVID-19 testing on anyone with COVID-19 symptoms.

· Enhanced cleaning protocols and COVID-19 visitor policies.

monique.Tamminga@pentictonwesternnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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