The Nelson Fire Department and the Nelson Police responded to the scene of a vehicular accident in Herridge Lane this afternoon.

The Nelson Fire Department and the Nelson Police responded to the scene of a vehicular accident in Herridge Lane this afternoon.

Elderly Nelson resident struck in alley

Police and fire crews responded to the scene of a vehicular accident in the alley at the corner of Josephine Street and Herridge Lane.

An elderly Nelson resident was taken to hospital Thursday after his hand was run over by a commercial truck near the corner of Josephine Street and Herridge Lane.

At approximately 1:20 p.m., the Nelson Police Department and fire and rescue blocked off the alley while they investigated. A small amount of blood was hosed away from the scene.

Sgt. Dino Falcone said the accident victim was a 70-year-old Nelson resident known to police. It appears he may have been sleeping with his arm outstretched when the truck crushed his appendage.

“He was lying amongst the garbage bags, his hands sticking into lane way,” Falcone said. “[The truck] ran over his left hand, which was quite badly injured.”

The man was taken to hospital in Nelson and later transferred to Trail. Because a commercial vehicle was involved, WorkSafeBC was called to the scene. Falcone says the incident is still under investigation, but charges are unlikely.



Nelson Star