Election 2014: New area director in Boston Bar

Terry Raymond unseats Lloyd Forman by 12 votes

Terry Raymond will serve as the new Area A director in the Fraser Valley Regional District after defeating incumbent Lloyd Forman in Saturday’s civic election.

Raymond earned 97 votes, while his challengers Forman and James Fougere received 85 and 13 votes respectively.

“You can tell by the vote that the community is almost split in half. I want to try and draw that back together,” said Raymond.

“I want to thank everybody for the work they’ve done and I also want to thank Lloyd for the six years he put in. He dedicated six years of his time and his wife’s time to the community and that’s got to be appreciated.”

Raymond is looking forward to representing the community again, a role he previously held for 13 years. He plans on continuing the work that’s already been started and pursuing new opportunities.

“I just want to engage more with the community to find out exactly what it is they actually want and how we as a community can work towards it, not just me by myself,” he added.

As for the outgoing area director, Forman said having more free time will be an adjustment. He is looking forward to seeing a couple projects he initiated completed next spring. Recycle bins and flush toilets are slated to be installed on a vacant lot off Highway 1, south of Fraser Canyon Market. A memorial wall near Boston Bar Community Hall is also in the works.

“I will miss the job. I really do enjoy the governance part,” said Forman, who served two terms as area director.

“I just need a challenge now and I’ve ended up with a clean slate. In a way I’m happy because I can write my own challenge not driven by events.”

Raymond will officially be sworn in on Dec. 17.

Yale’s Dennis Adamson was acclaimed in Area B.

Hope Standard