Election 2015: All Candidates Forum Wednesday in Kimberley

Kootenay Columbia candidates present an opportunity for an informed decision

Voters in the Kimberley area are reminded that the Chamber of Commerce-hosted All Candidates Forum is on this Wednesday at Centre 64.

Doors open at 6 p.m. for a meet and greet session with candidates then the forum takes place from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Polls indicate a tight race in Kootenay Columbia. Some projections have the NDP, with Wayne Stetski, and Conservatives, with incumbent David Wilks, in a dead heat in this riding at 37 per cent of decided voters apiece. Others have Wilks in a slight lead at 40.8 per cent to 38.8 for Stetski. Liberal Don Johnston was at 15 per cent and Bill Green from the Green Party at 11 per cent.


Kimberley Daily Bulletin