Election 2015: Candidates identify top local issue

Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke: Candidates asked what do you believe is the most important election issue for your riding and why

  • Oct. 6, 2015 1:00 p.m.
Election 2015: Candidates identify top local issue

The Saanich News asked the candidates in Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke the question: What do you believe is the most important election issue for your riding and why?



David Merner – Liberals

Jobs and the economy are the most important election issue in Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke.  Since January, I have knocked on thousands of doors in all parts of our riding. On the doorsteps, I am hearing that people are having trouble making ends meet and are worried about their economic future, as well as the future for their children and grandchildren.

I have met many people who are on fixed incomes, but are facing higher prices and higher taxes. I’ve met people who are juggling two and three jobs. By cutting income taxes and increasing child benefits, a Liberal government will help nine out of 10 Canadians to make ends meet. By making a major investment in infrastructure, a Liberal government will grow the economy and create jobs.

While jobs and the economy are a key concern, citizens are also very concerned about the economy growing in a sustainable way. The Conservative government has gutted Canada’ environmental assessment process. A Liberal government will restore robust oversight and ensure that environmental protection – particularly the fight against global warming – goes hand-in-hand with economic development.

Until recently, Canada had a reputation as a country with a social and environmental conscience. Let’s rebuild that reputation together.



Randall Garrison – NDP

I believe that climate change is the most important issue facing residents in the riding. We don’t have to choose between a strong economy and a clean environment.

Unfortunately, in the last 10 years the Conservative government has dismantled the laws protecting our air, land and water – which affects our health, economy and future development. The NDP has a plan to build sustainable prosperity by kick-starting clean and renewable energy production, and making big polluters pay with a cap-and-trade system for carbon.

I am committed to rebuilding Canada’s gutted environmental assessment rules and restoring our international reputation on climate change. Locally I will make sure that federal government implements an Action Plan for the recovery of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. I will also re-introduce my bills that would restore federal environmental protection for watersheds in our riding, including Colquitz Creek, Tood Creek, Goldstream River and the Sooke River – protection that the Conservatives unilaterally demolished in 2012.

The first step to confronting climate change is to defeat Stephen Harper.



Frances Litman – Green Party

Bringing back democracy and pride in Canada is what I hear most about at the doorstep. People are ashamed that Canada is no longer a leader in peacekeeping, or leader in climate action, or leader in global poverty alleviation.

We must introduce a form of proportional representation so that everyone’s vote clearly counts, reduce the power of the Prime Minister’s Office, and make this a proud country once again.



Shari Lukens – Conservative

I believe the most important election issue is the economy; it is what I hear from the people of Victoria. The economy is our number one priority. The Canadian economy is still fragile, but with a $5 billion surplus so far this year, we’re pursuing a low-tax, balanced budget plan to protect Canadian jobs and growth in the face of global uncertainty.

The Conservative government has taken important steps to lower taxes on Canadian businesses, expand Canada’s trade network, support skills training, reform our immigration system and make major investments in infrastructure and innovation.

These include: lowering taxes on families and Canadian businesses, including most recently the largest tax cut for small- and medium-sized businesses in over a quarter century; providing support to Canadians completing apprenticeships and establishing the Canada Job Grant to ensure skills-training will lead to future employment; launching the longest and largest investment plan for public infrastructure in Canada’s history; and helping firms invest in new technologies and research and development through targeted tax relief and funding partnerships with Canada’s universities and colleges.

I would be honoured to represent the residents of Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke in Ottawa, and see it as my duty to bring forward the issues of the area to Ottawa.



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