ELECTION 2015: Candidates to face seniors

The Campbell River Seniors Centre is holding an all-candidates meeting on Tuesday at 1 p.m.

The North Island-Powell River federal election candidates are going to face the seniors.

The Campbell River Seniors Centre is holding an all-candidates meeting on Tuesday at 1 p.m.

The Format:

At 1 p.m. there will be a draw to determine opening remarks. Each candidate will be given up to three minutes for an opening statement after the chair introduces each candidate.

After opening statements, each candidate will be given up to two minutes to answer each of the following questions.

1. If elected will your party continue “income splitting” for seniors.

2. If elected will your party provide tax credits for caregivers who have had to take leave from work or reduced their work hours

3. If elected will you and and your party support the creation of a National Pharmacare Program including the bulk purchase of prescription drugs.

4. If elected will your party ensure that all Canadians have access to appropriate palliative care services.

After this segment, questions from the floor will be encouraged. It is expected that this segment will last until 2:30.

The balance of time will be given for candidates to meet with interested audience members until 2:50 because the centre closes at 3 p.m.

The Seniors Centre is located in the Campbell River Commons.

Campbell River Mirror