Candidates for North Island-Powell River address the all-candidates meeting at the Tidemark Theatre Thursday. From left: Rachel Blaney (NDP), Brenda Sayers (Green Party), Peter Schwarzhoff (Liberal Party, and Laura Smith (Conservative Party).

Candidates for North Island-Powell River address the all-candidates meeting at the Tidemark Theatre Thursday. From left: Rachel Blaney (NDP), Brenda Sayers (Green Party), Peter Schwarzhoff (Liberal Party, and Laura Smith (Conservative Party).

ELECTION 2015: Listen to the Candidates debate the issues in Campbell River

North Island-Powell River: Interest in election so high that theatre full to overflowing

  • Oct. 9, 2015 11:00 a.m.

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The Tidemark Theatre was filled to overflowing for the all-candidates meeting put on by the Chamber of Commerce Thursday.

The inability for later arrivals to get into the theatre – even the lobby was full – generated some frustration, one caller to the Campbell River Mirror suggesting a contingency plan for the overflow should have been prepared. The person felt that perhaps speakers could have been put into Spirit Square.

Those who did get there early enough to get a seat in the theatre heard the four candidates give five minute opening speeches, answer 23 questions with one-minute answers and then close with five-minute final remarks.

The meeting was attended by all four candidates, none choosing boy out from this one. Attending were NDP candidate Rachel Blaney, Green Party candidate Brenda Sayers, Liberal Party candidate Peter Schwarzhoff and Conservative Party candidate Laura Smith.

The evening was civil and organized, perhaps even a little tame, with the candidates rarely taking the available time to offer a rebuttal to any of the comments made on any question.

“We’ve been doing this for a while now so we’re getting to know each others’ stories pretty well,” Conservative candidate Laura Smith said to which her fellow candidates nodded and smiled in agreement.

The candidates politely answered the 25 questions in turn only occasionally inspiring the audience to applaud their answers. Most people attending listened politely as the candidates delivered their answers, having seen the questions ahead of time and were prepared with notes or answers written down.

Due to the wide number of topics covered in the questions, only a sampling can be provided in Wednesday’s paper. A link to a video recording of the forum will be provided once it has been uploaded and the candidates have been asked to provide the written answers to their questions and we hope to upload those to our website (

In the meantime, an audio recording of the forum has been uploaded with this story (see window above). If you have two hours to sit and listen (or a portion thereof) you will hear the whole forum as it occurred.

It kicks off with an intro by each candidate beginning with Green Party candidate Brenda Sayers.

Here are the questions in the order they answer them:

Candidates – a selection of the following questions will be asked at the Federal Election All Candidates Forum on October 8th at the Tidemark Theatre.  Please note that pending available time, we anticipate time for 20-25 questions and 3 wildcard questions.  An outline of the event is also included.  We look forward to your participation.



• How do you feel aquaculture will be part of food production in the future?

• Does your Party support the Canada Post decision to go to super boxes?

• If elected, what will be the economic priorities for you and your government?  List the three most pressing issues facing the economy that your government will address?

• What will you and your Party do to protect the Canadian Coast line?

• What will you and your Party do about the Marijuana laws in Canada?

• What will you and your Party do to reduce the carbon footprint?

• What is your Party’s stance on the health of our Canadian Pension Plan and do you plan any changes?

• What will your Party do to support Health care?

• What will your Party do to address affordable Child Care?

• What is your Party’s stand on anti-terrorism legislation, Bill C-51?

• What is your Party’s plan to ensure Canada’ debt burden remains low and affordable for today’s budget and future generations?

• What is your Party’s plan to establish new agreements that allow businesses better access to new markets in order to grow?

• How will your Party improve the graduation rate for red seal apprentices across Canada?

• What specific tax measures will you introduce to help small business grow into medium and large businesses?

• What can you and your Party do to improve the level of service provided by government agencies?

• What steps will your Party take to clarify the land use process to ensure resource investment remains in Canada?

• What can your Party do to improve access to employees?

• What incentives do you believe can be initiated that will aid in the development and adoption of new innovation for Canadian start-up businesses?

• Is your government prepared to establish long term sustainable funding to support renew and replace aging infrastructure for our communities?

• What is your government’s plan to address seismic vulnerable communities such as Campbell River?

• What additional incentives and or tax credits would you envision your government considering for our small and medium sized businesses?

• What will your Government do to better the conditions on First Nation Reserves and address outstanding Land Claims and recent court decisions that are affecting resource industries?

• What steps will your government take to increase economic development opportunities in First Nations communities which will build self-sufficiency and re- build pride in First Nation Communities?

• What is your Party’s response to the Syrian crisis?

• What is your Party’s response to the homeless crisis?

Campbell River Mirror

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