Election 2015: Saanich-Gulf Islands forum puts focus on food security

Saanich-Gulf Islands: Candidates will discuss food security Saturday at Lutheran Church of the Cross

  • Sep. 24, 2015 2:00 p.m.

A number of prominent community organizations are setting the table for an all-candidates forum for Saanich-Gulf Islands.

The Shelbourne Community Kitchen, Capital Regional Food and Agriculture Initiative Roundtable (CRFAIR), The Mustard Seed and Lifecycles will co-host a federal all-candidates forum on food security Saturday at the Lutheran Church of the Cross.

Elizabeth May, of The Green Party, Tim Kane of The Liberal Party and Alicia Cormier of The New Democratic Party have confirmed their participation in the forum.

“Food security is such an important issue to the public, it is paramount that we know what our elected officials are planning to do to address critical issues in our communities. How can we ensure that everyone has access to healthy food? In the face of climate change and other global market factors, what can we do to protect farmland and support a thriving food and farm business community going forward?” said Aaren Topley with CRFAIR, who will moderate the forum. “This event will be a great chance to come and hear from the candidates on this important topic.”

Candidates will be questioned on issues like food waste, healthy food for children and family food security in our region. The forum will also look at federal policies that support or inhibit the ability of localities to grow and provide a sufficient supply of food for their residents.

The evening will begin with a light snack and the Shelbourne Community Kitchen will present their model of work and an overview of work that has taken place in the region to promote food security.

Each candidate will then make an opening statement structured around four topic areas that are the key parts of the Eat Think Vote Campaign: zero hunger in Canada; healthy school food programs; support and preservation of indigenous food systems; and support for new and existing farmers.

The forum runs Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Cross, 3787 Cedar Hill Rd.





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