Election by acclamation possible for most School District 27 seats

Election by acclamation possible for most School District 27 seats

Candidates have until Friday, Sept. 14 to submit nomination packages

The race for School District 27 trustees is shaping up.

So far there are seven candidates running for school trustee in the 2018 election.

There are seven seats to fill on the school board. As of Thursday morning, there was one zone with no candidate, one zone with two candidates and one candidate each for the remaining five zones.

A status of the SD 27 nominations are as follows but can change until end of day Friday:

Linda Martens is running for reelection in Zone 1 – Bridge Lake, Forest Grove, Buffalo Creek, Horse Lake.

There is no one currently running in Zone 2 – 108 Mile, Lac La Hache.

Willow MacDonald is running for reelection in Zone 3 – 100 Mile House – District of 100 Mile House.

Karen Blanchard is running for Zone 4 – 150 Mile, Big Lake, Horsefly, Likely.

Angie Delainey and Jim Ritchie are vying for Zone 5 – Williams Lake Fringe.

Chris Ford is running for Zone 6 – City of Williams Lake.

Anne Kohut is running for Zone 7 – Chilcotin.

Anyone interested in running for School District 27 has until Friday, Sept. 14 at 4 p.m. to submit their nomination package.

General voting day is Oct. 20.

Williams Lake Tribune